Sep 24, 2013

My best way expressing feelings :)

There is something we want to say, 
But no one ready to listen,

There is something we meant it,
But no one manage to understand.

There is something we want to share,
But no one is willing for us..
There is what I mean when I really need someone by my side..
Not because I forget that Allah would always there for me..

But there is something I would like to say, share,mean and bla bla bla..

Every critical time, I need someone to share, to tell, to mean..
But I couldn't.. what can I do?

There will be a piece of paper, in expressing of my feeling.. :) 

It works for me much more..  thanks for the paper,, 

There's a letter, it's just happen to share, nothing much, 
just to be honest to ourselves, then, later on, we'll be honest to everyone too :)

Happy reading!

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Hakmilik HareittaNaz@2013