Jan 16, 2013

Berani2013 part 1

Assalamualaikum. YES! Arini. aku excited sangat, untuk share tentang this wonderful programme. 

People won't believe without exploring by themselves. Very inspiring! Motivating! This is what i'm talking about. 

this precious FREEGIFT BOOK given by him!
dah la masuk percuma. mmg berbaloiii :D

Untuk student cam aku, memang patut aku hadiri seminar camni.
How to explore latent talent inside of us. Yeah!

Wah!!! Best giler,sies :-)
First time aku pegi,,selama ni dengar aje. 

Dr. Azizan Osman kan..wah3,, nama yang GAH!
Tapi kali ni berpeluang untuk dapat masuk. FREE lagik!

Alhamdulillah. Meski terlewat reg 15 min. Langsung tak menghampakan. Still got the chance. 

All praise is to Allah. For His Blessing, we got to be here. 
Yes, I forgot to mention, my best partner,Kyah Sakinah. 
At least, dapat jugak saya pergi berteman. Ingat nak pi sorang, tapi dengan adanya Kyah, baru bestt pi sama-sama. Kata orang, nak berjaya, takkan nak sorang-sorang..ajaklah kawan..  Tak gitu? Hehehe..

Tahniah! Tahniah! Tahniah!  untuk kita-kita je kan Kyah?(^^)

Keywords for tonight output are:
1. M- Mentor
2. E- Elmu. not Ilmu. ( kenapa E? tertanya2?...)
3. S- Speed
4. T- Tindakan
5. I - Intention

Really works to me!
Let's overlook some of my snaps.

a bit blur~

standing is his STAIL! :)

a great opening with some refreshment  with his GREAT CREW ^^

all sorts of people all over Kedah =)


to be continued....

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Hakmilik HareittaNaz@2013