Jan 18, 2013


Assalamualaikum. Sejak 2 minggu ni, UUM dilanda fenomena "LISTEN! LISTEN! LISTEN!"
Bagi aku, fenomena ni lagi gempakk dan bahaya lagi dari fenomena TSUNAMI atau TSUNAMO. or whatsoever. 
It's because mainly about PHYSCHOLOGICAL! 
Yes, exactly it is.

Kali ni, aku just nak share serba sikit atas tiket as a UUM Student. Lantak ang nak pikir apa.

Program ni mendapat liputan agak meluas, publisiti yang aku kira cukup hebat. Mana taknya, dalam advertisement clearly offer to us 10 free Galaxy Note untuk lucky draw! 
Bawah anjuran"Suara Wanita 1Malaysia".

First time, aku rasa, tajuk tu cukup menarik. 
Just curious. What is it all about?
Suara1 Wanita 1Malaysia. 
It sounds great!

Meneliti semua tu, aku jugak sempat tengok penganjur ada offer baju t-shirt percuma. Hehehe.
Harus diakui, student macam aku, memang suka buat
 collection t-shirt program, yelah, interesting what?

Then, aku pun dengan tak fikir panjang, tulis nama dan ajak member aku sekali.

Bla.bla.bla.bla...dalam sehari sebelum program, aku ade tanya roomate aku, oh, rupenya program SW1M ni 
bawah DPP (Dewan Penginapan Pelajar) Proton. 
Mostly, AJK are from DPP Proton.
 Oo...camne aku tak tahu? Haha. 
Mungkin tak ambik tau @ kurang tahu. Mungkin.

To make it short, early in the morning, we got into a bus to DMAS. ~Dewan Muadzam Syah~

Merupakan dewan utama UUM.
Orite..it's quite surprising to see there were many students included UniMap, Kolej Matrikulasi Perlis dan aku pun kurang pasti. Wahh..ramai gilaa kot..aku difahamkan lebih kurang 2000++ maybe?

Then, registration was well prepared and there were 2-3 pretty ladies in front of the main entrance.
Mak aihhh...mahal belanja depa semua nih..

My first impression,this programme will be a great impact one.
 No wonder, for lucky draw, we're promised by about 10 Galaxy Note maybe?

Sempat aku melihat beberapa tetamu yang hadir sedang menikmati hidangan pagi. Wajah mereka aku tak kenali. 
Lalu, selesai sarapan, terus kami masuk ke dalam dewan. 
Tak lama beberapa tika, kami dihidangkan dengan tayangan dari saluran Astro Awani. 
Quite informative!

Pada pendapat aku, tak rugi aku datang, at least,
 dapat jugak aku tambah ilmu.

Tak lama lepas tu, beberapa nama panelis disiarkan.
 Dan termasuklah Pengetua DPP Proton, En Mazli.

Perbincangan mereka memang menarik, aku suka dengan kepetahan masing-masing. cuma kadang-kadang kurang bersetuju dengan keagresifan ditonjolkan oleh salah seorang panelis,
 Pn Syarifah Zohra.

Bukan ape, kelihatan dia bertindak agak tidak sopan apabila memegang tangan Encik Gulam.
Menurut aku, imej ditonjolkan Encik Gulam yang kelihatan alim, dan hujah yang lebih islamik mengehadkan perkara sebegitu berlaku. Ini bukan soal, high impression or what, is it proper to shake hand with non-muhrim? Erm..ok. tu satu dari 1001. :)

Lepas tu, aku dimaklumkan lagi mereka dari NGO. 
Tapi yang aku tak faham, kenapa tayangan video lepas tu. mainly about political issue.? Ok. sokey. tapi kenapa perlu ade kecenderungan kepada memburukkan parti lain. 
Maafkan saya, saya bercakap ni tanpa ada kecendurangan kepada mana-mana pihak. Cuma agak terkilan. 
Nama program yang sebelum ni, "Seiringkah mahasiswa dan politik? " seakan tersasar-sasar jauh.. padahal dalam minda aku..aku  ingatkan kami pelajar diberi ruang, peluang dan satu platform untuk menyuarakan suara kami dalam mempertahankan hak dan kepentingan bersama? Nampaknya, aku silap. 
Bukankah NGO should be non-political organisation? 
Why this programme should be like this?

Tapi, aku masih kekal di dewan sampai habis acara. 
Bukanlah mengharapkan dapat Galaxy Note. 
Tapi, adat pelajar. Takkan aku nak keluar sebelum acara abis. Sampailah aku tertarik dengan satu soalan dari seorang student, aku lupa nama dia. Persoalan dilontar dengan sopan dan bernas. Very fluent english! Kadang-kadang jeles melihat kepetahan pelajar seperti ini berbicara , berani ke hadapan.

Then., it should be last question. Memandangkan, memang terlalu lama dah kitorang lam dewan. Semua dah panas punggung. Maklumlah, pakat duk tunggu Galaxy Note. Lagi lama lah lagi nak habis. Penatt sih!!

Muncul seorang bekas calon MPP, Bawani. Yes. aku masih ingat time Pilihan raya MPPUUM aritu, aku ade  snap salah satu kempen yang diorang buat. 

Yup. A great brilliant question. Tapi, jujur aku katakan. Miss Bawani should lower her voice and try to balance her emotion. Honestly speaking, people tend to listen carefully, if we're doing in proper manner. Well, it just my opinion. Up to you. 

Till, Syarifah decided to take over the hall's attraction by interrupting Bawani's question. I think it was the a a total  great mistake she had done. How come she did not let Bawani finished her question first? Orite, I try to consider that Bawani's just overspoken. Thus,as a woman, she was felt being humiliated maybe with such unexpected question. But still, she needed to consider her position as Presiden SW1M. Her professionalism and credibility will looked up first instead of her title of being a "WOMAN". 
Ok, that's one point. She got these words for return.

Second point, honestly, for the first, I did agree with her when she said that Bawani lacks of moral and respect, by all means, she did mentioned that by shaking Bawani's hand is considered as part of respect. Ok, is it? Yup, perhaps. But, actually, at the first, she had spoiled that "respect"by preventing Bawani finished up her question. It totally ruined everything. That's the second point.

Third point, I did agree each point of Bawani's point till then she had compared Malaysia with another countries. 
Ok, let's assume that I'm zero knowledge on everything about Cuba, Argentina, Libya or some kind countries she had mentioned. I did still felt that we shouldn't compared as well as like that. 
No,  please understand one thing. Comparison is possible and compulsory for our advanced development. Of course we do. But still, we do need to being grateful, PTPTN is such a great opportunity to achieve free education what? ok. stop. :) 

(Mesti ada orang nak marah aku bila aku cakap macam ni.. dan cakap alasan aku tak berasas la kan..) 

Tak,,bukan tu maksud aku. Aku faham apa yang cuba Bawani ketengahkan, is that, where did enormous money belong to our education goes to? Government should have more than that. We requires just little amount to support our education. Right? Yess,, u did well Miss Bawani when you gave us all facts and numberic !! But still, in my opinion, you shouldn't compare with another countries. As all I known, how's Cuba attempt to give free education to their students, and so did Sudan.
Till now,  free educations in third nation countries still cannot indicate measure of  great success but born student with illiteracy. 
Do Malaysian government still want the same for our student? Of course not RIGHT? =,=

OK, that's should be my last point, tapi ade satu part aku tak puas hati.

to be continued ... :)

Blog ini CUTE sgt! Acu tra tekan LIKE :D


dalila marwani said...

oooo..like that..the fenomena of listen...thanks trah...

dalila marwani said...

ooooo...mcm 2 rupanya situasi fenomena listen2x......thanks.....
but stp org ada p'dpt masing......lain org lain cara.... ;)..ada pro n contra...

Unknown said...

iyup~ ni pandangan peribadi saya lah. hehe.. selaku pendengar setia forum tu A to Z :)

Hakmilik HareittaNaz@2013